One thing I have always loved about my job is the ability to share special moments with people. Music surrounds us throughout our lives! We all remember our favourite songs when we were a teenager, listening over and over again to that one song that we have fallen in love with. We use music to mark special occasions like weddings or birthdays. We allow music to move us when we feel sad or want to remember someone. We enjoy theme tunes and jingles and sing rhymes with our children.
Music is everywhere!
When people live with dementia they face many challenges. The one thing I find that cuts through any of those moments is music. If life is challenging or stressful, music can sooth and calm, if communication is difficult, music can help bridge that gap, if someone feels like they're losing themselves, music can help bring them back.
This is why, knowing that one special song and being able to bring it to life with someone is a truly magical experience. I feel privileged to be able to enjoy these special moments with people.
When you book, I'll always ask if there are any special songs - if there are, give me as much notice as possible and I'll do my very best to include that song in my set.